WMozzies web site   wmozzies.com.au


The website developed in 2011 by Colin Perrott served us well. However it was difficult to maintain and lacked the desired features to improve its appearance and presentation format.   It was decided to develop a new WM website using WordPress. It is aimed to be low cost, easy to use (develop and maintain), widely used, well supported and provides an easy transition from current Yahoo platform


Peter Carr established a new trial website in 2015 using WordPress.  He also established an Australian domain for the  new website.  Vital assistance has been provided by the Leukaemia Foundation IT manager Charles Munchow.

Long time WMozzies member Chris Doe, a WordPress website manager in Adelaide provided many days of invaluable WordPress support .


New detail being provided in the new website include:

  • Listing of haematological specialists at Multidisciplinary hospitals
  • Clinical trials for WM patients at locations Australia wide
  • Australian WM patient stories
  • Australian WM treatment guidelines (being developed by Dr Constantine Tam in conjunction with Australian WM specialists)
  • For overseas recommended treatments details of coverage or otherwise of TGA approval and availability of PBS funding or PBAC applications
  • Australian cancer statistics

Australian equivalents to US blood test measurements

  • Link to LF website for Donations for WM research