1st Sunday in September. Not a public holiday. First Sunday in September
Information provided by www.officeholidays.com
1st Monday of 3rd term school holidays. ACT Only. Began in 2007 to let workers take a break and spend some quality time with their family and friends.
A regional holiday in ACT.
Information provided by www.officeholidays.com
Last Monday in Sep, or 1st Monday in Oct. WA Only. The Queens Birthday holiday is a moveable feast celebrating the birthday of Queen Elizabeth II.
A regional holiday in Western Australia.
Information provided by www.officeholidays.com
1st Monday in October. NSW/ACT/SA. Labour Day is a public holiday in Australia that was originally called Eight Hours Day.
A regional holiday in New South Wales, ACT, South Australia.
Information provided by www.officeholidays.com
1st Monday in October. QLD. The Queens Birthday holiday is a moveable feast celebrating the birthday of Queen Elizabeth II.
A regional holiday in Queensland.
Information provided by www.officeholidays.com
1st Tuesday in November. VIC Only. 1st Tuesday in November. VIC Only.
A regional holiday in Victoria.
Information provided by www.officeholidays.com
. The day celebrates the Nativity of Jesus which (traditionally, but unlikely in reality) took place on 25 December 1 BC
Information provided by www.officeholidays.com
Known as Proclamation Day in SA. The second day of Christmas is known as Boxing Day or St. Stephens Day. St Stephen was the first Christian martyr.
Information provided by www.officeholidays.com
WM Specialist update
Thursday 21 February 2019, 10:30am to 12:30pm
Professor Judith Trotman,
Drs Ibrahim Tohidi-Esfahani and Nicole Wong Doo
General WM knowledge update, including overview of current treatment options, familial risk, testing required and when to start treatment
Highlights of International Summit on Waldenström’s Macroglobulinemia, October 2018, New York (IWWM-10) including updates on new treatments
Latest on WhiMSICAL with inclusion of Quality of Life Questionnaire
“Ask the Doctor Q & A session” with questions pre-submitted as well as from audience
Concord Repatriation General Hospital, Hospital Road, Concord NSW 2138
Lecture Theatre 1, Building 26 Concord Medical Education Centre, Concord Hospital
- Map & Directions https://www.slhd.nsw.gov.au/concord/pdf/CRGH_Map.pdf
- Transport & Parking https://www.slhd.nsw.gov.au/concord/transport.html
Bookings are essential
RSVP to Snezana Djordjevic, Leukaemia Foundation
- Phone (02) 4222 0601
- Email sdjordjevic@leukaemia.org.au
Refreshments provided